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Writing Personal Essays with Fiona Wright
Getting Started
About Your Teacher
Meet Your Teacher (4:47)
Module One: Getting Your Tools to Hand
The Central Question
Essay Examples
Exercise: What is the Question?
Trust Your Obsessions (3:49)
Keep A List of Obsessions
Exercise: What Floats Your Boat?
No-one is Looking
Exercise: There Isn’t Yet a Reader
It Looks Like What It Looks Like
Exercise: Reading
Module Two: The Personal IS Political, Goddammit!
Manifesto (11:05)
The Big as Well as the Small
Making an Example of Yourself
Exercise: Your Self as Subject
Switching and Braiding
Exercise: Train it
Module Three: Unblanking the Page
Introduction (3:30)
Openings and Getting Started
The Upfront Ask Opening (1:32)
The Anecdotal Opening (1:40)
Exercise: So What?
The Object Opening
Exercise: A Talisman
The Quote Opening (1:38)
The Beginning Of Time (Beginning With Time) (1:40)
The Opening Fragment (2:20)
Exercise: Classification and Cataloguing
Exercise: Now, Go!
And Now What?
Conclusion (3:07)
Thank you
The Upfront Ask Opening
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