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Write What Makes You Blush with Lee Kofman
Meet Your Teacher (3:23)
Why Should We Write About What Makes Us Blush?
Finding The Themes. And Wisdom
Turning Ourselves Into Compelling Characters
Your Teacher: Making Myself A Compelling Character
Suggested Exercise: Making Yourself A Compelling Character
Creating A Sense of Urgency And Intimacy
'Good' Discomfort
Suggested Exercise: Consider The Stakes
How To Write About What Makes Us Blush?
Courage And The Uncomfortable
Let Language Take Over Shame
Suggested Exercise: Language Overtaking Shame
Reflecting On The Uncomfortable
Suggested Exercise: Uncover Meaning In Significant Events
Distance And Self-Reflection
Suggested Exercise: Viewing Yourself From A Distance
Reflect On Internal Change
Suggested Exercise: Shedding Delusions
Using Humour To Lighten Discomfort
Your Teacher: How I Used Humour To Write Uncomfortable Passages In My Memoir
Suggested Exercise: Writing The Uncomfortable
Writing Vividly To Lighten Discomfort
Writing Exercise: Characterising Yourself Vividly
Writing Discomfort Through Objects
Suggested Exercise: Writing Discomfort Through Objects
The Ethics Of The Uncomfortable
Our Stories Always Involve Others
Suggested Exercise: Reflecting On Risk-taking
Strategies To Minimise Harm And/Or Find Courage
Suggested Exercise: Writing The Tension Into The Work
Technical Strategies To Minimise Harm
Final Words
Final Words From Lee (0:34)
Further Reading
Thank you
Let Language Take Over Shame
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